Picking-up where he left off…

“He’s not really gone as long as we find a way to remember him.”

     –Dr. McCoy to the Enterprise crew, in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan

It’s been a month since my brother passed. I lost my best friend. At his service, I had shared some stories about him and had reflected on his life in my eulogy. It was a painful process to prepare for but, surprisingly, it really cheered me up. The process of reliving all my memories of him just made me very happy.

For those of you who do not know, he had been very active in the blogosphere for the past ten years (see latinopundit.com, louispagan.com, and latinorebranded.com via the Wayback Machine ) and a pioneer in social media. And, obviously, he was also an avid writer and an entrepreneur. I am proud that he excelled in this space. I never got around to it, but I had been planning to start my own blog for some time with his help (and I admit now that I feel like quite the clumsy apprentice fumbling around the master’s studio in that pursuit.).

What better way to remember him and to pay homage to him, I decided, than by starting my own blog to share more stories. I hope I do him justice. As for the title of the blog, iamlouispagan.com, well, that’s a story for another post…

7 thoughts on “Picking-up where he left off…

  1. Michelle Siau

    All my life I knew I had cousins but had no idea where they were – to include my father. After years of searching I found my Uncle Louie. However, not knowing it was him, I sent a letter stating who I was and what I was doing. After three weeks, I received a phone call from Uncle Louis, who had not seen my father since 1965. My other Uncle didn’t live too far and all my cousins (four of them) were close as well.

    In 2012, my brother and I decided to visit NY and see our Uncle Joey (Uncle Louie had passed three months after finding him) and the cousins. We went to Jessica’s and Daniel and Louis were on there way. I remember waiting at the door for them to show up and finally meet them after all these years. I was in tears.

    Louis was the first to come through the door and I hugged him hard. Daniel also! :-) Louis and I had talked about our ancestors and trying to get our family tree together. He spoke about his lovely wife and kids as well as his mom. He told me his mom and told him and Daniel about us when they were little – she never let them forget they had cousins; however, she had no idea where we were.

    Now his life is taken too early as well. Daniel – I can understand the pain you are living and can tell you writing about it does ease the pain somewhat. Days will have special meanings and you will reflect on memories you shared at Christmas, a birthday, his wedding, and the birth of his two beautiful girls.

    Cherish those memories and it will help to keep Louis strong in your heart, soul, and mind so that you can ensure his girls will never forget the special brother, father, husband, cousin, and uncle he was.

    I love you both!


    1. Daniel Post author

      Thanks, Michelle! Sounds just like him – researching the family tree sounds like something he would’ve definitely been interested in doing.

  2. Bryan

    Sup Doggies! I like this Blog. I think it will be interesting to read stories about you and your brother. Looking forward to them!

    I must say the connection you and your brother had sounds pretty cool. It will be nice to hear about these stories as they can be a reminder for me to celebrate my relationships with my siblings.

    I feel ashame to say that I take my brothers and sisters relationships for granted. So these stories will teach me how to be a better brother.

    Thank you for helping me realize this Luis! This is how you will never be gone for me.

  3. Pingback: What’s with the name of your blog!? | iamlouispagan.com

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